I'm From California

I'm from California . Im currently taking up an immersion film course at the International Academy of Film and Television. What took me all the way to cebu was my genuine interest in filmmaking and since i visited the city in the summer of 2004, I've always wanted to get back for a longer stay. The training here is completely hands we work on professional sound stages, use state-of-the art High Definition filmmaking equipment, and make really tough creative and technical decisions. We basically eat, breathe and sleep filmmaking. Here are some snapshots of our sessions.



Welcome to the forum pjutz28, you posted your first post in the middle of someone elses, so we moved it for you
Looks like fun, but I bet the film industry can be a nasty place to work too.
I'd love to go to a studio and see what goes on behind the scenes.
Enjoy the forum, let me know if you have trouble posting,
and I will try and help you
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin