Using Ancient Flash Equipment with a New Camera
Here, FYI, is my note to the owner of Central Camera in Chicago, after we found a solution to my problem... errr, that is, ONE of my problems!
--Bob F. / aka FotoByFriend
RE: Bob F.'s conversation with Albert "Don" Flesch, owner of Central Camera... 4-15-08 >>
Thanks so much for your time on the phone today regarding my order for a slave unit. Thought you might get a kick out of reading the e-mails (2) below that I sent to a few photo-buddies, the first from yesterday and the second following our chat today.
Thanks again for your GREAT service and attention to my needs. Glad to know you and your business are still alive and well after all these years!
Bob / aka FotoByFriend
Original Message
From: Bob Friend
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 6:27 PM
Subject: Bob F.'s ancient flash photo equipment ... info re Central Camera... what a hoot!... 4-14-08
You guys GOTTA read this (click link above).
I got to the main Central Camera link today whilst trying to figure out how to connect my modern Olympus SLR digital camera to my ancient Metz 402 flash system.
You see, I've not used the old Metz stuff for about a quarter century. Last year I thought about using it at a h.s. reunion, but the foam in the case it'd been stored in (e.g., for about twenty of those years was tucked away in an attic where I used to live) had disintegrated and partially melted onto the equipment. Also, when I plugged in the battery pack, it seemed not to be holding a charge -- so I assumed the whole thing was probably "toast."
Well, I decided to check it out again today -- my cousin's wedding reception is Saturday, and I agreed to take some pix for him and his new wife. I knew things would turn out nicer if I had two sources of flash -- a main (off-camera) and a fill (on-camera). This time I gave the pack more time on the charger. The Metz uses the old-style ni-cad battery. At least thyristor technology was around when it was manufactured so that it uses less "juice" when the shooter is close to the subject.
Anyway, I tested the flash -- hey, it worked! Kept firing it -- got over a hundred flashes at distances between 10-15 ft. I was flabbergasted. I had done everything wrong in storing this old crap -- I did not give it more than a 5% chance of being operable.
I tried Ritz Camera first -- only because they have a deal whereby they can get a part sent to a nearby store instead of my having to pay shipping. But, from prior conversations when I was looking for something unusual, I guessed I'd likely be out of luck with them (and I was right). Then I remembered Central Camera; in c. 1974 I went to Chicago with my old boss (lived in OH at the time). We first went to Altman (long out of biz) -- but then, on a whim, checked out Central to compare prices. I think the guy we dealt with was DON Flesch; he's gotta be related to this Albert, the current owner (I will find out tomorrow, when they are open). My boss and I bought thousands of bucks' worth of stuff -- Nikons, Hasselblads, lenses -- for the business. Old Don gave us a helluva deal, so I never went back to Altman again.
Next time you get to the Windy City, you oughta check out the store. I've not been in there for many years, but I have a feeling things have not changed much after reading the article! The girl on the phone at Ritz today also, before I even asked about another store, mentioned Central -- it has quite a reputation!
My goal is to find a slave (just the eye & PC attachment, not a flash). This way I can simply have the built-in flash on the Olympus trigger the auxiliary flash(es). The alternative would be some kind of thingie that would convert a shoe (the Oly. has one on top) to a PC fitting. We'll see what the old dudes at Central say tomorrow. The wife works in the Loop, so maybe I could sweet-talk her into picking up the part on her lunch break.
Final note: It's hard to talk to younger sales associates about what I need -- the only "PC" they're familiar with stands for Personal Computer !! God, I am feeling older and older the more I write about such ancient technology !!!!!
--Bob F. / aka FotoByFriend
Original Message
From: Bob Friend
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:53 AM
Subject: Bob F.'s conversation with owner of Central Camera... what a hoot!... 4-15-08
Quick follow-up to yesterday's e-mail:
Called Central Camera a few minutes ago. Albert D. Flesch himself was happy to talk to me. He remembered doing business with me and my boss so many years ago. (Turns out his middle initial "D." stands for Donald -- so this was indeed the same guy, Don Flesch, with whom I'd dealt.)
Very nice guy; knows all about the old stuff AND the new stuff. The store does in fact have those little "slaves" in stock -- about thirty bucks each. Free shipping via UPS -- so I will have the unit tomorrow, with plenty of time to test everything before my cousin's wedding reception this Saturday.
Will likely be awhile before I buy any photo equipment -- a slide-specific scanner is next on the list (for converting all my old film transparencies to digital) -- but I will make sure I buy it from Central Camera.
Here is another link you may enjoy -- great old neon sign !! >>
--Bob F.
--Bob F. / aka FotoByFriend
RE: Bob F.'s conversation with Albert "Don" Flesch, owner of Central Camera... 4-15-08 >>
Thanks so much for your time on the phone today regarding my order for a slave unit. Thought you might get a kick out of reading the e-mails (2) below that I sent to a few photo-buddies, the first from yesterday and the second following our chat today.
Thanks again for your GREAT service and attention to my needs. Glad to know you and your business are still alive and well after all these years!
Bob / aka FotoByFriend
Original Message
From: Bob Friend
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 6:27 PM
Subject: Bob F.'s ancient flash photo equipment ... info re Central Camera... what a hoot!... 4-14-08
You guys GOTTA read this (click link above).
I got to the main Central Camera link today whilst trying to figure out how to connect my modern Olympus SLR digital camera to my ancient Metz 402 flash system.
You see, I've not used the old Metz stuff for about a quarter century. Last year I thought about using it at a h.s. reunion, but the foam in the case it'd been stored in (e.g., for about twenty of those years was tucked away in an attic where I used to live) had disintegrated and partially melted onto the equipment. Also, when I plugged in the battery pack, it seemed not to be holding a charge -- so I assumed the whole thing was probably "toast."
Well, I decided to check it out again today -- my cousin's wedding reception is Saturday, and I agreed to take some pix for him and his new wife. I knew things would turn out nicer if I had two sources of flash -- a main (off-camera) and a fill (on-camera). This time I gave the pack more time on the charger. The Metz uses the old-style ni-cad battery. At least thyristor technology was around when it was manufactured so that it uses less "juice" when the shooter is close to the subject.
Anyway, I tested the flash -- hey, it worked! Kept firing it -- got over a hundred flashes at distances between 10-15 ft. I was flabbergasted. I had done everything wrong in storing this old crap -- I did not give it more than a 5% chance of being operable.
I tried Ritz Camera first -- only because they have a deal whereby they can get a part sent to a nearby store instead of my having to pay shipping. But, from prior conversations when I was looking for something unusual, I guessed I'd likely be out of luck with them (and I was right). Then I remembered Central Camera; in c. 1974 I went to Chicago with my old boss (lived in OH at the time). We first went to Altman (long out of biz) -- but then, on a whim, checked out Central to compare prices. I think the guy we dealt with was DON Flesch; he's gotta be related to this Albert, the current owner (I will find out tomorrow, when they are open). My boss and I bought thousands of bucks' worth of stuff -- Nikons, Hasselblads, lenses -- for the business. Old Don gave us a helluva deal, so I never went back to Altman again.
Next time you get to the Windy City, you oughta check out the store. I've not been in there for many years, but I have a feeling things have not changed much after reading the article! The girl on the phone at Ritz today also, before I even asked about another store, mentioned Central -- it has quite a reputation!
My goal is to find a slave (just the eye & PC attachment, not a flash). This way I can simply have the built-in flash on the Olympus trigger the auxiliary flash(es). The alternative would be some kind of thingie that would convert a shoe (the Oly. has one on top) to a PC fitting. We'll see what the old dudes at Central say tomorrow. The wife works in the Loop, so maybe I could sweet-talk her into picking up the part on her lunch break.
Final note: It's hard to talk to younger sales associates about what I need -- the only "PC" they're familiar with stands for Personal Computer !! God, I am feeling older and older the more I write about such ancient technology !!!!!
--Bob F. / aka FotoByFriend
Original Message
From: Bob Friend
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:53 AM
Subject: Bob F.'s conversation with owner of Central Camera... what a hoot!... 4-15-08
Quick follow-up to yesterday's e-mail:
Called Central Camera a few minutes ago. Albert D. Flesch himself was happy to talk to me. He remembered doing business with me and my boss so many years ago. (Turns out his middle initial "D." stands for Donald -- so this was indeed the same guy, Don Flesch, with whom I'd dealt.)
Very nice guy; knows all about the old stuff AND the new stuff. The store does in fact have those little "slaves" in stock -- about thirty bucks each. Free shipping via UPS -- so I will have the unit tomorrow, with plenty of time to test everything before my cousin's wedding reception this Saturday.
Will likely be awhile before I buy any photo equipment -- a slide-specific scanner is next on the list (for converting all my old film transparencies to digital) -- but I will make sure I buy it from Central Camera.
Here is another link you may enjoy -- great old neon sign !! >>
--Bob F.