Air Show in Lakeland
I chose a few of my 700+ shots that I liked, but it was hard. Hope you like, CC welcome.

This shot was a complete accident, but I still thought it came out accidently creative...

This shot was a complete accident, but I still thought it came out accidently creative...

When shooting propeller driven aircraft, you should use a slow enough shutter speed so that the props are blurred. It looks odd when the props are stationary on an airborne plane.
The problem with airshows is that you get large aeas of plain colour - blue in this case, which show up any dust on your lens or sensor. I think you may have some on the LHS of the shots. The spots can be removed easily in Photoshop, though.
You need to clean your sensor ohsogorgeous1, those dust bunnies are visible in all your shots.
I like your accidental shot, and your right it is creative
700+ shots is a lot to have to sort through, got yourselve some good shots there..... bet you had a great time at the Show ..... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin