Cactus - wireless flash trigger V2s

I received the Gadget Infinity some days ago but I had no time to test them. However, today I placed the batteries on both receivers and tried a couple of times.
They worked nicely and I hope to use them soon.
Radiopopper is surely more interesting but for now ...
So, at this moment I own the ST-E2, the Gadget Infinity, two flashes and two cameras.
And what would I like to be able to ?
I would like to shoot both cameras and both flashes at the same time.
I want to shoot sports and for this I thought I could attach the 350D (with the 16-35) to a post and shoot with the 20D (with the 70-200) on my hands, triggering both flashes at the same time.
The 350D would have the automatic focus system set to every point and Aperture Priority or even P to make things easier and to begin with.
This way, I would be making two shots at the time.
I am aware that if I shoot in sequence, the flashes may not recover and the 350 is slower than the 20D... :huh
Meanwhile, lets look at this.
They worked nicely and I hope to use them soon.
Radiopopper is surely more interesting but for now ...
So, at this moment I own the ST-E2, the Gadget Infinity, two flashes and two cameras.

I would like to shoot both cameras and both flashes at the same time.
I want to shoot sports and for this I thought I could attach the 350D (with the 16-35) to a post and shoot with the 20D (with the 70-200) on my hands, triggering both flashes at the same time.
The 350D would have the automatic focus system set to every point and Aperture Priority or even P to make things easier and to begin with.
This way, I would be making two shots at the time.
I am aware that if I shoot in sequence, the flashes may not recover and the 350 is slower than the 20D... :huh
Meanwhile, lets look at this.
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
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About two weeks or so... May be three weeks ...:D
I had to pay customs :cry
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It is very easy indeed. Last night I shot my two flashes on different compartments of the house.
At the beginning I could not understand why they were not working. But after a closer look I saw that I had not removed the battery covers ...:bash
Oh BTW, the batteries come with each item. One battery is not shown in the photograph I shot last night with the G9+ST-E2+580 EX II
May be Thursday I will use them because I am supposed to shoot some rugby...
Sometimes I have to take pics in a large venue so I had to modify the transmitter antenna to give me about 80ft range.
The flexibility is really great - mostly I set up my flashes on stands and it gives me freedom to move around to get all sorts of angles and compositions without having to change the flash settings.
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
Have you seen the site of my compatriot ?
It has a video where he shows this video on how to increase the range.
But about shooting the two cameras, any ideas ?
I did increase the range by adding an antennae. You just need to calculate the length of the wire correctly. I used solid copper 18 AWG insulated wire and soldered it onto the hole in the pcb. I made a hole in the cover and wrap the wire around underneath so its a good, small fit. The shape of the wire really doesn't affect it.
To shoot two cameras, try thinking about if the 350D has an external shutter release input. If so, you can try to figure out what kind of signal triggers that input - maybe its just a TTL low signal (like closing a switch). If so, you may be able to figure out a small circuit to build that attaches to the PC port of one of the flash receivers.
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
I've had mine for at least a year or two already. They still work good. Only big problem I see is that, if you leave the receivers on 'ON' for lets say a week or two, the batteries will drain. And these batteries will run you at least 2-3 bucks each from Fry's Electronics (CR123). The receiver is a different battery, they don't run as fast but they do eventually, I replaced mine at least once already.
Basically, if you were to use these triggers on assignment, I would definitely bring extra batteries. I've had one shoot when I was shooting a car, had several flashes set up and only one of them worked, the others worked intermitently, it did not look professional at all, I had to make up an excuse, like I think I said...'Hmm.. there must be an interference with your car's reflective paint', or something like that haha.. I had to use a long exposure and walk around the car with the flash and light it manually. So.. definitely..DEFINITELY buy extra batteries!!
Other than that, I really like mine. I mainly use them in my studio, usually just one kit since the strobes have built-in optical slaves, but sometimes those don't work especially when I use strip light diffusers so I then use the rest of them.
Antonio:..on using two cameras:
What're you trying to do?
So basically, you want to shoot with the wideangle on a tripod and have a 70-200 on hand? These china-made-slaves won't trigger the camera's shutter if thats what you're trying to pull. Unless you're trying to rig it to a camera remote or something, then I suppose you can do it. The XT/350D has a remote shutter remote outlet for that.
But yeah.. great little doo-hickies. Great price, but reliability can be an issue if you don't watch your battery life. I think those new radio poppers are great. They use triple-a batteries if I remember correctly? You can get rechargeable ones, definitely worth the cash right there, plus no 2-3 weeks waiting for a box wrapped in some weird fruit container..aha jk.
Waters, good morning.
I kept this mail to give an answer later on and only now I saw where it was.
Thank you for the tips about the use of the two cameras.
I have to good and look closely at the 350 D and read the f manual.:D
Thank you for the idea of the spare batteries.
In studio - which is I beginning to build now in my sun's garage, all pinted white - or in doors I use the ST-E2 which is fantastic. Even outside I shoot with this and - sometimes - behaves vey well.
It's advantage is that we have ETTL working for us.:D
Yes. this is what I want to do. I have seen - I don't know where it is - but I have seen a video from Time Life magazin and with a clip running on UTube, with some connection to Sports Shooters, having 3 (I mean three:jawdrop) MKIII each one with 400 mm f/2.8 (:jawdrop) connected and shooting continuously and in sequence so they could make - after all - just a film !
I want to do something similar
I have to think it over and over but I will get there someday.:D
I want to go and seach in Sports Shooter and else where.
Now, don't tell me that having hight end equippment is not very important to get spectacular results.
Those guys, using such hight end equippement will have the right shot at the right moment
Thjank you.
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:cry It's painted already :cry
In fact, the garage was not supposed to be used as studio.
I do have thought about your issue also and I have even thought to get some black "reflectors" to absorb the light.
Thank you.:D
Looks like you need to invest in a couple PocketWizard MultiMax Transceivers and a laptop computer to do what Robert Hanashiro did.
Alternatives ...
The MultiMax has time delay which gives you the capability to trigger your cameras in sequence as you desire. Can't think of any alternatives right now.
I am sorry but I do not own the PW. At least for the moment. :cry