Reducing files in pS ?
Now that im in the world of Elephantiasis sized files. I am being driven crazy with the long D/load times to SM.
These are not photos that i want to keep in huge size sooooo...
Is there any way i can open a whole file full of these 8 meg photos in PS6...hit a button or two to reduce each photo in that file to a smaller dimention (what ever it is ie 1000 x 800 or something)
No waxy...i wont change the camera setting as one of these shots could well be something i want to keep in full size or crop from.
These are not photos that i want to keep in huge size sooooo...
Is there any way i can open a whole file full of these 8 meg photos in PS6...hit a button or two to reduce each photo in that file to a smaller dimention (what ever it is ie 1000 x 800 or something)
No waxy...i wont change the camera setting as one of these shots could well be something i want to keep in full size or crop from.
look for batch resize tool, gus.
i'm not familiar with ps 6 but it should be there?
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Gus - I save my archive files as psd, but the files I upload to smugmug I save as a jpg to a different folder that I just keep to hold files until they are uploaded. The uploaded files run anywhere from 400Kb to 1.3Mb
Your jpgs for Smuggy should not really be much biger than from your Oly you used before, should they? Wasn't it an 8 Mb camera or at least a 5Mb camera?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Tks PF my old cam was 5mp but now that im using appears to add a lot more info to the photo ..up to 7.5 MB
At the end of the day i really only want to load about a 1Mb to SM most of the time.
one thing i sometimes do is resize to 800 x533, and save as, with jpg compression of 7 or 8. this usually results in a file size of around 100k or thereabouts. then upload that and you can just link the -O file from smug
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Now to do it to 100 photos in one button or two.
Create an action, put all the files in one folder, pick another folder to save them in, then run the action as a batch.
PS. How do you make this a hot key action in PS6?
From the PS 6 Help files...
When you create a new action, the commands and tools you use are added to the action until you stop recording.
To create a new action:
1 Open a file.
2 In the Actions palette, click the New Action button (), or choose New Action from the palette menu.
3 Enter a name for the action.
4 (Photoshop) Choose a set from the pop-up menu.
5 If desired, set one or both of the following options:
Assign a keyboard shortcut to the action. You can choose any combination of a Function key, the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac OS), and the Shift key (for example, Ctrl+Shift+F3).
(Photoshop) Assign a color for display in Button Mode.
6 Click Record. The Record button in the Actions palette turns red ().
Important: When recording the Save As command, do not change the filename. If you enter a new filename, Photoshop records the filename and uses that filename each time you run the action. Before saving, if you navigate to a different folder, you can specify a different location without having to specify a filename.
7 Choose the commands, and perform the operations you want to record.
8 To stop recording, click the Stop button, choose Stop Recording from the Actions palette menu, or press the Escape key. To resume recording in the same action, choose Start Recording from the Actions palette menu
If you want to resize an entire folder, but have both vertical and horizontal (possibly different resolutions too) and you want them to be 1000px (or _?) on the longest side for all? Create an action and choose automate>fit image, enter 1000 x 1000 (or _?) finish your action and let it run. A handy tip I learned.
Step #5, it will give you the option to make it a hot key (Assign a keyboard shortcut to the action).
It happens when you click the new action icon, it will give you the options, it does in PS 8, not sure about 6.