Thoughts on the SanDisk Extreme Ducati Line
Hello everyone...
Just wondering what your take is on the SanDisk Extreme Ducati Line of Compact Flash cards.
Worth the money? Live up to the hype?
I am looking into getting one of them bad boys but thought I'd check around with the best, first! Thanks much :thumb
Just wondering what your take is on the SanDisk Extreme Ducati Line of Compact Flash cards.
Worth the money? Live up to the hype?
I am looking into getting one of them bad boys but thought I'd check around with the best, first! Thanks much :thumb
Whats it give you over a normal sandisk card ?
Ducati 45 mb/sec read and write
Extreme iv is 40 mb/sec
Extreme iii is 30 mb/sec
So on and so on down the list...
Then there is price:
4 gig ducati... $109
4 gig extreme iv $89
4 gig extreme iii $59
Depends on the performance you want out of your cards.
My take on CF cards... You should get the card that suits your needs. I have 8GB extreme iii and 2gb extreme iii
Shooting at a paintball tournament, for instance, i am sometimes focused on one person filling up the 25 frame buffer on the camera at 5 frames a second trying to catch some minute detail that hapens in a split second. Then the frame rate slows down while the camera finishes writing those pictures to the card.
Meanwhile, a colleague swears by the $19.95 2GB no name brand cards he gets on sale at Circuit City, Frys, Walmart etc. He uses them as digital backup for work. Thats about all he does with them, 5-10 pictures on the card, he's done for the day.
Sure they have a 15x write speed compared to a 266x write speed of the Ducati series from sandisk. Hew also doesnt worry too much about data loss if one of the cards goes bad and the data is lost.
The difference depends upon your perception of what you need a card to do. If money is no object and you need a super fast, extremely reliable card that will be used in extreme conditions, then by all means go for it.
If you are going out for a weekend and taking 30 or 40 pictures of landscapes and are not particualrly worried about how fast you can download images from the card, then perhaps the 19.95 cards from Wal Mart will suffice.
All the Best
So...can MY equipment outperform what I currently use in my extreme III 8gig ? And or...would I notice a difference with the newbie. I know that I would obviously, but how noticeable with my setup.
Thanks much. And I's simple stuff, but im just tryin to learn! hehe
Ohh i like that site.
I didnt even think about how fast the camera itself can write to the card. Nikon D200 7.201MB/sec jpegs
Looks like i need to get a D300 now!
The only real advantage I see is the write speed when transferring images to your puter. And that's pointless to me. I just toss the memory card in my reader, start the import and walk away.
I use Lr, render 1:1 previews and convert all my images to DNG.
Personally, I don't think it's worth the price premium.
I decided to go down to my local dealer to check out a larger pelican case and nose around.. They were having a product rep day for all sorts of stuff including SanDisk. cool! ... they musta knew I was coming!
I've been using the extreme III cf cards.. I don't see any value for anything more than that regardless of what nifty name they tag it with. To me, the only real savings would be in download time and that would be on the much larger cards, which frankly still make me a bit nervous. The speed rates are so close, I don't think anything smaller would add up that much.
At least for the Canon 1D MIII, it looks like the extremem IV and III's are faster than the Ducatis. And it appers to be the opposite for the Canon 40D.
But the difference is so small, I don't think it's a significant difference among many of the fast cards.
wow... I guess I have been lucky! Thanks for the tip!
..thankfully I got a pretty good deal on cards that I needed anyway. I guess if I get the extra $100 back, I will consider it a nice bonus.
Mb OR MB. There's a big diff, ya know. Factor of about eight.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Beat me to it, was going to say the same thing! LoL