Competing against the flickr 50% discount

I'm loving it at Smugmug, but unless I rack up some referrals I don't think I'm going to be able to renew when the time comes. My issue here is why would anyone use my referral code when they can go for the 50% flickr refugee discount found on Smugmug's home?
I might be missing something here, so enlighten me, please.:scratch
I might be missing something here, so enlighten me, please.:scratch
I agree that, whilst the flickr offer is available, there is a anomaly but are you really relying on people using your referral codes to fund your Smugmug annual fee?
The flickr offer has been in effect for a while now. It was only recently that I became aware of the fact that it is displayed on Smugmug's home page and that, of course, will have a negative impact on the regular referrals that one might expect to get.
As a father of four and living in Venezuela's struggling economy; yes, I would hope that through this referral system I can cover the cost of my renewal.
On a positive note, we sure get a lot of Flickr refugees now but it doesn't appear to be from the Flickr code.
It's got to be Microsoft going after Yahoo that's beginnig to drive some folks out of there.
Umm, because they aren't Flickr users? Not everyone in the world uses Flicker (I never did).
Yeah, but you (or anyone) could still use the code and get 50% off.
Now I'm hooked because of the features (although I still have a flickr acct) and HD video.
Smugmug is my primary photo and video sharing site now.
Fuji X shooter
Thoughts and Images