Star*Explorer: v.115 is out

S*E v.114 had a nasty bug caused by my own impatience to deliver "brand name compliant" product.:bash
I apologize for my hastyness, hopefully this will never happen again.:dunno
Thank you very much, Sebastian, for your help in testing..:thumb
I apologize for my hastyness, hopefully this will never happen again.:dunno
Thank you very much, Sebastian, for your help in testing..:thumb
"May the f/stop be with you!"
The ini file you spoke of is in the smexplorer folder, is it not?
occasionly I'd like to pause the upload to temporarly do something else like
send a big email.
Maybe build in that it pauses after current pic upload finishes.
Just my thoughts,
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yes it can be in one of two places (depending on when you started to use SE):
* one (old) place would next to se executable,
* second (new) place would be %documents and settings%\%user%\application data\s...explorer\
It has been on my list of things to do for quite a while.
Sorry for taking so long. I hope to catch up on this kind of things in April.
Thank you for your patience..
Cheers! give a ride to a friend whose car broke near LAX (and 405 was a parking lot for 20+ miles due to the left lane accident next to 101), and was pleasantly surprised upon my return to see S*E crossed 11,000 hits barrier AND got new sponsors - all despite this night's hiccup with v.114..
I want to express my gratitude for your trust!
The key info for the pro accounts (StarExplorer) will be send via e-mail, correct?
Got it!
Against all odds, despite the name change and bad version, last weekend turned out to be the richest visits-wise.
Last Sunday S*E got the higest number of hits per day
Once again - thanks for your support!