matching colors
let's say I have two pictures of the same person, taken under different lighting conditions. i want to adjust the color so that their skin is the same color. What is the best/easiest way to do that. it is OK with me if it affects the over all color of the whole image.
Stephen Marsh
Easiest (fastest), least damaging is to do this with the Raw converter.
If you have Lightroom, a little known feature is the Match Total Exposures option, but you can also copy/paste any or all the metadata corrections (sync) one or 1000 images with a few mouse clicks. Same with Camera Raw using the filmstrip.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
let me explain a made up situation. Let's say I have two pics. One shot indoors with a flash. the other indoors under tungston. AWB on both. I want to say to photoshop: make the skin color of this one match the skin color in that one and I don't care what it does to the rest of the photo. I don't want to do any selecting; just push the color till A matches B.
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