EXIF data
Hi. I thought I read on this forum somewhere that EXIF data is only retained in the original file image. Reduced size images appear to have the EXIF data stripped out of the image.
Is this correct and why?
When I post pictures on my Smugmug site, you can see the Photo Info for all images. But if I post pictures on other forums, by linking to the file at Smugmug, there is no EXIF data.
Is this correct and why?
When I post pictures on my Smugmug site, you can see the Photo Info for all images. But if I post pictures on other forums, by linking to the file at Smugmug, there is no EXIF data.
Holler w/ questions!
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Here's a sample gallery of mine...
I don't have the 'more details:exif' link below my pictures. Any idea how to get it?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
EDIT: To further clarify if someone else searches on this...
1. Hover over the picture.
2. Click the blue 'i'.
3. Then click on the words "Photo Information" at the top of the pop-up box. That will open a page with the EXIF data and link that can be copied.
("I still would prefer that EXIF was embedded in all my pictures, regardless of size", he said as he headed over to the Feature Requests thread...)