Aperture 2 / RAW problem...
Im not sure if this is the right place to post, But...
I am new to RAW format so I am shooting JPEG and sRAW images to get used to RAW manipulation.
Upon my first import into Aperture 2, I have all these blacked out .CR2 images that will not open, and also some images that show a thumbnail of "unsupported image format".
What is a .CR2 image, and how do I get Aperture to recognize it?
Help Please!!!
I am new to RAW format so I am shooting JPEG and sRAW images to get used to RAW manipulation.
Upon my first import into Aperture 2, I have all these blacked out .CR2 images that will not open, and also some images that show a thumbnail of "unsupported image format".
What is a .CR2 image, and how do I get Aperture to recognize it?
Help Please!!!
It may be that you need to update your OS to the latest version-- Aperture uses OS X's built-in RAW capabilities to view RAW files. This gets updated as Apple updates their OS.
The workaround would be to convert your .CR2 files to Adobe's DNG. DNG is a standardized Raw format that was designed to deal with this very problem.
Aperture supports the RAW files from every Canon Digital SLR I'm aware of, save the new XSi (aka 450D). Given past history, I'd expect support for that camera will come along soon enough (it's brand new).
The only thing Aperture does *not* support is the sRAW format (which is a truncated RAW file). Are you really shooting sRAW? If so, I have to wonder why... it's like a 3 megapixel image size. Why give up all the sensor resolution for something that's no faster to shoot than a full-sized RAW?
Anyway if you're shooting sRAW that's your problem.
I don't agree with the previous comment to convert stuff to DNG... that's not likely to be necessary.
Um, that was a workaround, assuming that the initial suggestion (upgrading OS to get the latest RAW support) didn't work.
Thanks for the information about sRAW though: this entry has more information about that.
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And I will stick to RAW or JPEG. I Hope they fix it soon
BTW: I was shooting with a Canon 40D, Aperture 2.1, and all recent updates on OS X 10.4.11
Thanks for all your input,
And for another newbie, who has just gotten himself the XSi and Aperture, HOW does one go about converting .CR2 to DNG? Will the Canon disc (which I hadn't installed) do this?
Do a search for DNG and you will find the Adobe site where you can download a program to do the conversion. That is what I am currently doing until they come out with support for the Xsi. Pain in the butt with having to convert then import into Aperture.
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Bless you!
I have a d700, so my raw extension is .nef and I just updated and upgraded Aperture to the latest version, so now I can see my raw files but they are tiny in the viewer area, not much bigger than the thumbnails, but my jpegs in the older projects look fine. Should I redownload the raw files from my camera or is there some way to fix the view of the raw files? Do they need to be converted to .dng, and how would I do that?
What is the "latest version?" You need Aperture 2.1.2 or later (1.5.6 won't work). Just checking.
Also, if you imported the images before Aperture displayed them and then updated, you need to "migrate" the images. I forget the menu option, maybe Aperture->Migrate images?