Interestingly enough, today's my little girl's 5th birthday(I know kids need no excuse to get messy.) I conjure she'll get a touch messy with the cake later on. I'll be sure to post up when I get some pics.
Modus Imagery
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Here's mine couple years ago
Tried to get a smile, but this is the one I liked best (and didn't show too much of yard in work!). And of course C&C weclome, I did some pp and would like some feed back, thanks.
Interestingly enough, today's my little girl's 5th birthday(I know kids need no excuse to get messy.) I conjure she'll get a touch messy with the cake later on. I'll be sure to post up when I get some pics.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Tried to get a smile, but this is the one I liked best (and didn't show too much of yard in work!). And of course C&C weclome, I did some pp and would like some feed back, thanks.