New (Non-LPS) contest????

I realize that I am stepping out into a minefield, and I have availed myself of the unfortunate but correct end of LPS due to incessant pestering and bickering. My question is: Is there a chance that there could be another contest sans prizes other than bragging rights? I did try to come up with ideas worthy of entry into last few challenges of LPS, and even though I came up skunked ( I am just starting to learn how to take photos properly), it was an enjoyable process nonetheless. So, are there any plans? Anybody have any ideas for a way we could possibly organize one ourselves? I have heard that there were other contests before LPS but I joined after and do not know what their format was.
Signed, Desperate in the Desert
Edit: I am aware of the LOLcat contest but that is not really what I'm talking about.
Signed, Desperate in the Desert
Edit: I am aware of the LOLcat contest but that is not really what I'm talking about.
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(go towards the end)
Rereading it after you pointed it out, I reread your posts below and slapped myself in the forehead.
I'll have lot's of free time this summer for once in quite a long time and I'm looking forward to taking lots of pictures in the hopes that I can get one or two worthy of submission.
Thanks for the clarification.