Maybe you could use Google Checkout to allow your customers to order the CDs. Then you'd need to order the CD for them since the backup option is only available to the gallery owner.
Maybe you could use Google Checkout to allow your customers to order the CDs. Then you'd need to order the CD for them since the backup option is only available to the gallery owner.
This thread has been really helpful to me. I managed to set up my Paypal Buy Now button in a test gallery to buy a CD/DVD of all the game pics for a team in a tournament. It workes for me, at least as far as getting ready to buy. I created the button in Paypal with the item description , price and shipping costs.
I may give it a go in a couple of weeks as a end of sale thing...discounted for quick sales. Since there were 23 teams in the tournament, it may generate some additional sales from coaches/parents that haven't bought. All teams played at least three games, and I have pics from most of the games.
Thanks everyone for providing the feedback in this thread.
Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.
1) Google 'Buy Now' is cheaper 2% + $.20/transaction
2) With either button, you can set up javascript to modify the Buy Now internal information to reflect options you can put onto a form. That way, you can allow the user to enter information (e.g., quantity, color, size, multiple selections, etc.) and programatically have the Buy Now information set when they push the button.
Here's a page I set up to collect outstanding balances for a band trip...the 'buy now' dynamically changes for all the options ... the trip is over, so don't actually pay for anything
Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.
It's cool that you can do the Google or PayPal "Buy Now" feature, but I think it would create confusion. I think it would be easier and more effective to just have a CD/DVD merchandise option on Smugmug.
For a few sales I can see doing so. This event had 130 people in attendance. I might be overwhelmed!
If you think you'll have a ton of orders for discs price them to make it worth your while! If doing ~30 or so discs would be kind of a pain I bet $15x30=$450 would make it less of a pain.
It's cool that you can do the Google or PayPal "Buy Now" feature, but I think it would create confusion. I think it would be easier and more effective to just have a CD/DVD merchandise option on Smugmug.
Have you thought about using the backup capabilities of SmugMug to order a backup of the gallery yourself, then sell that backup to your customer?
Backup help at
Maybe you could use Google Checkout to allow your customers to order the CDs. Then you'd need to order the CD for them since the backup option is only available to the gallery owner.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
This is super idea,thank you.
I used Google checkout to generate the HTML code, inputed the name of the team in the HTML and put it in the description of the gallery, like this
Haven't sold any, but I assume I'll get an email from google checkout about it and the name of the team.
I use Paypal checkout in the same way; works great!
I may give it a go in a couple of weeks as a end of sale thing...discounted for quick sales. Since there were 23 teams in the tournament, it may generate some additional sales from coaches/parents that haven't bought. All teams played at least three games, and I have pics from most of the games.
Thanks everyone for providing the feedback in this thread.
My Portfolio
MaxPreps Profile
Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.
2 quick points on this:
1) Google 'Buy Now' is cheaper 2% + $.20/transaction
2) With either button, you can set up javascript to modify the Buy Now internal information to reflect options you can put onto a form. That way, you can allow the user to enter information (e.g., quantity, color, size, multiple selections, etc.) and programatically have the Buy Now information set when they push the button.
Here's a page I set up to collect outstanding balances for a band trip...the 'buy now' dynamically changes for all the options ... the trip is over, so don't actually pay for anything
If you're interested, I'd be happy to share the code.
- Gary.
Thanks for the help.
My Portfolio
MaxPreps Profile
Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.
It's cool that you can do the Google or PayPal "Buy Now" feature, but I think it would create confusion. I think it would be easier and more effective to just have a CD/DVD merchandise option on Smugmug.
If you think you'll have a ton of orders for discs price them to make it worth your while!
They are working on it -
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