faces (6 pics)

JubbaKingJubbaKing Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
edited April 6, 2005 in Sports
The best part about sports pictures are usually the facial expressions as we all know. Well, it doesn't always work out for ya when you want it to, especially when you're very amateur like myself. :)


Then there's always something like this that happens.

Timing is everything, as they say. :)
Nate Grant: Living Legend


  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited April 4, 2005
    Laughing.gif JK

    This is like "America's Funniest Sports Shots" thumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gif I like the one where the girl has a ball for a head :lol I wonder if she's Mr Jack Inde Box's daughter.....lol

    You are a member of a large fraternity. We all have otherwise really nice shots that are marred by an arm, the ball, the refs, another player, or worst of all a spectator eek7.gif blocking out the center of attention or a face. That's part of what makes it so much fun. You can be set up perfectly and yet, you don't get the shot you're after headscratch.gif Then on that rare occassion (when all the planets are aligned...lol) you get the whole thing. The action, the players, and the FACES clap.gifclap.gif We live for those occassions mwink.gif They make it all worthwhile :D

    I can see that you have the right attitude about these types of shots. They are out of your control and you live with what you get. thumb.gif

    Thanks for sharing these,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited April 4, 2005
    this is really a great set and story rolleyes1.gif stuff i think that idiot must move from town to town I have seen him before in my view finder [thumb.gifJeff thanks for the :D
    Jeff W


  • binghottbinghott Registered Users Posts: 1,075 Major grins
    edited April 5, 2005
    this made me happy
  • Aaron BernardAaron Bernard Registered Users Posts: 169 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2005
    classic! very funny post :):
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