Whittier Waterfalls and buggies
Whittier, Alaska is one of my favorite places to go and just take all the pictures i can manage. Although it has recently been run over by bobber fisherman and hikers who dont like to take their garbage with them i can still wander into the mountains for solitude. Cant wait for the snow to melt so i can spend weekends there again taking pictures till my clicker finger hurts 

Unfortunatly my camera only does macro's from about 3.5" away
so this is as close to this bugger as i could get. A room with a view.

Half the fun is in having fun right? My freind just jumped out of the glacier water when he snapped this picture of me so he didnt get the horizontal quite right heh.

Unfortunatly my camera only does macro's from about 3.5" away

Half the fun is in having fun right? My freind just jumped out of the glacier water when he snapped this picture of me so he didnt get the horizontal quite right heh.

My Pictures can be seen at http://prezwoodz.smugmug.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
Is that you jumping into that frigid water? You gots ta be kidding :yikes I mean, this isn't exactly like jumping the falls in Hawaii :lol Guess you must be one of them Mountain Men
I like the first shot alot. The water is a bit OE (using an ND filter might help nextime-long shutter speeds without the OE) but I love the location and the color
Thanks for sharing,
Like i tell some people "if it wasnt moving it would be frozen"
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com