Gitzo Traveler GT1541T (Ser 1 6X 4S G-Lock)

Price aside (ridiculously expensive), I'm looking at Gitzo tripods. Need to compromise on weight and size, as most of us do, and Traveler GT1541T (Ser 1 6X 4S G-Lock) catches my eye. However, I think Gitzo site has a typo, cuase it says this little wonder supports load of 17 lbs, when it's apparent twin (looks same except for G-lock leg locking system) supports only 10 lb. Any knowledge out there on this? I emailed Gitzo, but no telling when I'll hear back.
See my work at Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.