How about a DOF/Hyperfocal distance pocket calculator (or smart phone program?

I sure could use a pocket-carryable way to do DOF/hyperfocal distance calcualtions. I have several bookmarked into my computer, but how about a pocket device? I've seen the circular slide-rule types, and that would be OK, but seems clumsy compared to a pocket electronic calculator or program I could upload to a smart phone. I know they're there, just have to find a reliable one that includes format as an entry, I shoot 4/3. Any suggestions?
See my work at Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.
Google search, "dof" and "calculator"
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Perfect. Am I missing the boat in saying this will be a godsend? Thanks for the reference. Already had downloaded DOFMaster to computer, but didn't see the smart phone reference. Thanks for the help
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400mm with (all typical focal lengths) and full fstops from f1.4 to f16.
I printed it on an A5 letter and got it shringwrapped in foil. Now it's
protected against the elements and stiff. I have one in each of my
camera bags. It doesn't require electricity too.
― Edward Weston
I created a similar spreadsheet but it got mangled (I did mean to laminate it but never got round to it). Then I decided that since I always have my mobile phone with me I would create a JAVA app for it. Before I completed the app I found others had been there before me and I downloaded one from the net. Very simple little app that's easy to use.
It even fits on a lens cap. Link:
I want to make one
― Edward Weston