Stretchy landscape pics too small
I've read through several threads on this but have found no resolution.
When my galleries are viewed on a large screen, the stretchy algorithm seems to favor more thumbs than larger pics.
Sample gallery -
What can I do to make the picture as large as possible but still have at least 2 columns of thumbs (or even 1). On my monitor, it's showing 4 columns, sometimes 5.
When my galleries are viewed on a large screen, the stretchy algorithm seems to favor more thumbs than larger pics.
Sample gallery -
What can I do to make the picture as large as possible but still have at least 2 columns of thumbs (or even 1). On my monitor, it's showing 4 columns, sometimes 5.
Asssuming that your browser is large enough, a small main photo with 4 columns of thumbs takes up less horizontal space that a medium main photo with 3 columns of thumbs.
My experimentation (with a large browser height) gives the following ordering:
Small + 2 columns
Small + 3 columns
Small + 4 columns
Medium + 3 columns
Medium + 4 columns
Large + 3 columns
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