Outdoor soccer begins
Last summer was pretty much a blur from a photo point of view - three kids playing high tier and then enough work to pay for lots of new gear plus my day job. So when I had the opportunity to shoot my youngest first exhibition game this season I wasn't sure what would happen. I also don't remember if I had both the 300mm and the 1DmkIIN last season.
So, I was very pleased with both being back at it, as it were, and with the combo of body and lens. This is a 5 p.m. game in overcast conditions on field turf - you'll notice snow still on the periphery of the field.
So, I was very pleased with both being back at it, as it were, and with the combo of body and lens. This is a 5 p.m. game in overcast conditions on field turf - you'll notice snow still on the periphery of the field.
here's to spring soccer and being outdoors again (not that I ever had to go indoors here in sunny SoCal ). Must be a good feeling to start up again, especially when you've got good newish gear to pull out.
You got some good shots in there - in the last one, looks like he got it right in the kisser (ouch), and I like the action of the header.
good to see your soccer shots again and hope to see more,
check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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Thanks, Colleen. It feels great. I've shot a second game now with the 1D and the 300, and it is a great combo!!!
The 1D is made for sports!
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Thanks Josh! I love sports shooting. Once upon a time thought "Action is my passion" made for a good tag line, but my hubby thought not!
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