Looking for soft cover for day touring, leaving full bag at home

Looking for soft cover for Oly E-3 w/ Zuiko 12-60 SWD, to cover camera & lens when just carrying around by camera strap, extra cards and batteries and such in my pocket or small jogging butt pack, leaving full bag back on the shelf. Idea is to use best I've got instead of P&S for day tours, family get-togethers, etc., where overly serious gear load is a pain to everyone you're with as well as your own self being Oly body is about size of 40D or D300, and lens 4" long x 3.5" dia with hood stowed backward. Zing makes what looked like perfect solution in its large neoprene wrap around model (#502-xxx), but snoot not wide enough for lens dia. I've used Zing covers before on smaller SLR and find them well made and just as mfgr describes, just nothing presently in-house that will fit my Oly. HELP! Any suggestions for like solution?
See my work at http://www.flickr.com/photos/26525400@N04/sets/. Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.
I have been looking for something like that to use when I go on my travels so as not to advertise the expensive equipment that I have with me , but I have been unable to find anything.
Any one can tell us were to find something like this?