Still testing PBase linking...

Maybe this will work... copying URL from the address bar instead of the URL from the picture properties:
I guess this is as good as it gets for now... you can't seem to link directly to the picture, and can't embed it. The only other way is to upload to this site, limited to one picture per post...
I guess this is as good as it gets for now... you can't seem to link directly to the picture, and can't embed it. The only other way is to upload to this site, limited to one picture per post...
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
should have posted this in "Theory, techniques, how to"?
Can't delete or move...
Mod, feel free to move or delete...
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
H: All you have to do now is add a .jpg to the end of your url, and the picture will show.
By jove, you're right! Still can't embed them, but this is still an improvement!
Thanks, J&H
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
pbase gives us trouble linking, i dunno why. you have to embed filename.jpg inbetween [img*] and [/img*] (without the *)
reply to this post and you'll see what i mean.
i'm moving this to "dgrin support"
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so it takes some html code to embed the image. Trying again with another image:
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
Did I miss this instruction somewhere?
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
yeah it's the first post, sticky, in this forum
but, pbase does not always allow direct linking. dunno why, and baldy's supposed to be checking on it....
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That dgrin box to add links seems very cumbersome, Andy. Seems way easier to type the "IMG" html code and paste the URL for the file manually right in the message box...
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
that's what i do
it's just easier for me...and you, too i guess!
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Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
the last image I posted disappeared upon screen refresh just as did the ones I posted by inserting the URLs into the link box.
What seems to be the answer is to get the URL from the address bar when the photo is open in PBase (rather than from the "properties" box as we do for dpreview posts), and add the .jpg extension. Then flank the whole URL with the [img*][/img*] html code (without the * of course).
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
Yes, it seems the embedding of an image by linking to an image on PBase can be done if you do it in a particular way. Both sunrise images on the previous page were so done - the first by Andy and the other by me. Originally, I had used the URL from the "properties" box on an open PBase image - which seemed to work at first, but on screen refresh, all that remained was a little red x in the upper left corner.
But... then I used the URL from the address bar of the open image in PBase, instead, which doesn't contain a .jpg extension, so I added one (as suggested by another poster here) and also added the [img*][/img*] code and, behold, it's still there.
Hopefully that's the answer.
This is sorta weird, though, because in the dpreview forum, all you have to do is take the URL from the properties box of the open image (after right clicking on the image), and drop it into the message area and the image is imbedded.
Here's another done as above to test:
And the same image inserted the same way, but with the URL from the "properties" box:
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
It seems if I first paste the URL and then go back and insert the first [img*], it doesn't work.... the first [img*] needs to be typed into the message and the URL pasted in afterward - then the .jpg - then the trailing [/img*] (without the asterisks, of course).
Doesn't make a lot of sense, but seems to be the case...
P.S. I just double tested it again and the above is true. You *must* type in that leading [img*] code before dropping in the URL.
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
it's not working consistently, chris - please do give slug an email and see "what up!"
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This first one (the one that didn't work), it doesn't even work in the browser if u load it directly (well it didn't initially, seems to work now)
The other thing I found with Pbase was that even though it references a certain server 'i2', the image may not always reside there (or that server may not be online) and it's best to avoid using it and replace it with 'image' instead..
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
then i got....
one minute later, it's working again
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I tried almost every combination, but the one I described in my last post works consistently. Why the other methods don't work... whether it be a PBase glitch or a glitch with this site, I don't know, and I don't know diddly squat about html or java script.
But if you do this: Type in the [img*] without the asterisk, then paste in the url that appears in the address bar of the open image page in Pbase - e.g., then add the .JPG and the trailing [/img*] (without the asterisk), it works!
If it works, don't knock it
Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right.
- Henry Ford
Pbase links and direct links should ALWAYS be formulated like this:
or depending on the size:
You also have to use the proper img tags in when posting to forums.
Anything else will eventually break or be spotty. Pbase faq explains this under linking and this question has been asked and answered many times in pbase forums.
Good day.
BUT, for the last 5 months some correct pbase direct links have been broken a large portion of the time due to disc failure and an isp move. You will find hundreds of disgruntled posters in the pbase forums during this time. Before this pbase was stable and it seems to becoming that way again as sluggo works out the bugs after the failures and isp move.
Good Day
H: I'm enjoying your sunsets!
Happy shooting.
my my my that's a lot of page views, minoltaman.
it's not user error here minoltaman....
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You guys were using all kinds of non-fixed url's! That is INCORRECT.
I bet I can link pbase images here all night long any day or night using the proper pbase urls...
awaiting reply
fail or other catostrophic occurence or I take the image down...
dunno minoltaman, lots of people have been having trouble with the very method you are describing.
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If you link the images using the proper url's your links will always work unless pbase is partially broken, which has happend frequently these last two quarters. When pbase has had troubles with a couple specific servers, some of your dlinks worked and others did not because the images are actually stored on different servers.
Hope that clears things up.
here's an interesting experiment...
The first uses the 'correct' method, you second one uses the naughty method. Hmmm... could it be that Pbase tells you to use the first method, because the second method breaks some sort of image protection ??
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
The problem with the second one where you use this:
you can consider just a temporary link. Pbase only maintains permanent links when you use pbase/user/picnum.jpg or depending on the size pbase/user/picsize/picnum.jpg.
Your images are placed on many servers at pbase and depending on what is going on at pbase those "secondary" urls do not work or will stop working. Pbase is setup so no links ever break if you use the proper dlinking url.
Just a word of warning with this...sure it's easy to add, but it can be disabled in matter of seconds.
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