Renaming or changing category
How much trouble am I looking at if I change one of categories? If I just rename it will all teh galleries etc... still be in that category or do I have to move them? I know I will have to change all the links and code to reflect the new name (that is a pain in itself :wink)
Various pieces of Canon gear.
Various pieces of Canon gear.
It should not be very much trouble at all
Galleries in the re-named category will appear under the new name.
Please note that you cannot delete or rename any of our built-in categories, just your own custom ones.
To rename a category, goto your Control Panel 'Customize' tab. Then click on 'categories'.
Suport Hero
Well, I guess this would explain why only two names show up in my dropdown for "rename category," even though I have five or so categories defined.
So, if I have a category named "Animals" and I want to change it to, say, "Birds," then if I understand your statement correctly, I cannot do this because "Animals" is one of your built-in names. Is this correct? If so, this is awkward to me, and I would appreciate advice on the best possible work-around to accomplish the same thing.
Create a new custom category called Birds.
Then go in to each gallery that you want to move to the Birds category and change the category assignment to Birds.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thank you. I will do this. Grudgingly.
Not sure why SmugMug categories need to be sacrosanct. The "rename category" idea seems straightforward until the category you are interested in renaming does not appear in the dropdown(!) When one gets to this point, there is no intuitive path forward, except to ask you helpful people for help (thank you very much, by the way for being there). Since SM seems to be so sensitive to the idea of minimizing the number of clicks to get jobs done, here is a candidate for some attention!
O.K., I have been doing this but doing it gallery-by-gallery (one at a time) is tedious, painful, and costly (time is money). Surely there is (or can soon be) a way to move multiple galleries at once from one category to another(?) Is there?
If you don't have it, you can download it from this thread -
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at