Fiber optic flower?

Sometimes it pays to take a closer look. The original of the first image below was about 3872 px wide and I post processed it at 33%, resized it, and uploaded it to my gallery. About a month later, I looked at it again with an eye toward getting a close up of the red flower. When I zoomed to 100% and cropped the lower left corner, I was surprised to see what I presume to be pollen on the tips of the fine spikes. Sadly (as per usual) I failed to remove the interfering leaves which would have made a much nicer image. I really need to slow down and plan my shots better. But then that would remove the element of surprise wouldn't it? 
C&C always much appreciated. How else can we know if we're do'in OK :dunno

C&C always much appreciated. How else can we know if we're do'in OK :dunno

I was using a Nikkor 17-135mm kit lens at 62mm, f/5.3, 1/125, iso 100
As stated, I didn't notice the pollen when I composed the shot.
Thanks for looking.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Heine sight is a wonderful thing, except that it happens later on down the track
I guess most of us could say we should slow down and plan the shots we take better
Least your learnt something along the way
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin