FS: Nikon 70-300 VR

I have the chance to pick up a Nikon 70-300mm VR lense off of craiglist for $350. I already have the 70-200 so do you think it would be beneficial for me to have the 300 too? It has less than 25 clicks on it
I wouldn't say it's "needed" but if you got money to spend sure.
70-200 > 70-300 anyday
i opted against the 300mm. I figured the money would be better spent on some more tattoo work
Only reason to buy the 70-300 would be to have a lighter weight telephoto.
hm i could do that. i didn't even think of that
The real problem with a tele converter is that it would be relegated to a daytime lens. The aperture is small enough on these zoom lenses. You might not have enough light for the focusing... or viewing for that matter.