DIY SmugMug Strap alteration and Suggestion to Andy for next Gen Strap!

I have done a partial Pimp job to my SmugMug Strap. Need to get to EMS (Eastern Mountain Sports) for more and slightly larger strap quick connects.

Here is a Quantaray strap (Andy, do they make the SM ones? Note similarity) strap on my *ist D with a full set of clips. Very Handy for getting it off your neck when wearing a hat or to short clip it to a tripod!

Andy, could the next Generation Straps be ordered with these? Or a retro set-up provided?

Here is a Quantaray strap (Andy, do they make the SM ones? Note similarity) strap on my *ist D with a full set of clips. Very Handy for getting it off your neck when wearing a hat or to short clip it to a tripod!

Andy, could the next Generation Straps be ordered with these? Or a retro set-up provided?
Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
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Do you have a details write up about how you did this?
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I ended up doing this a bit differently. I went and bought a Quantaray strap for 10 USD. and stole all the clips and the extra strapping off it to pimp my SM Strap. Note that each side has the clips reversed from the other side. This is so the short ends attached to the camera body can be clipped together to help with safety on a tripod. ( see post #1, last image)
One could also us an extra set of matching clips to provide clipping points actually attached to the tripod.
The store bought set (from Ritz Camera):
Slice off the clip from the shoulder strap part:
Attach to SmugMug Strap as you would to camera body:
Attach Short pieces to body making sure that the strap sits the way you want it on your shoulder when clipped on. I.E. correct clip ends on correct side of body:
ANd your ready to go. This makes for a very long strap set-up which you can adjust to suit. I like it because the camera will sit nicely in a shoulder baack while the strap is in use around my neck.
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