I hate them

The new help page color themes that is.... I'd like an option for the black background/ darker pages. I understand not everyone does it, but I link from my nav bar to some of these help pages. I would like it to not be such a stark difference from my page to the SM pages. I would rather not recreate each of the help pages on my site...
We got a huge amount of input that the pages should be more readable, and black on white was the major request. I'm sorry that it's not working for you
I wish I had a better answer for you, Anthony, I really do.
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using this page
eliminate the CSS for smugmugWhite "theme" and pureSmugWhite "theme" and you get a nice white on black...
One of the problems is that if we have the option of two different colors, it doubles the amount of time it takes us to test any changes to the help pages. And we change those pages almost every week.
We'll keep discussing it here though.