Lightroom and RAW
When a raw file initially opens up in lightroom, I notice something while it's rendering. There is a color shift during the process. My question is this. Is lightroom doing any kind of process to the photo before it's done "loading"?
5D3, 7D, 50 1.4, 580EX, EFS 70-200L 2.8 IS MkI, 1.4x TC, 24-70 MKII, 85 1.8,(that's it ...for now)
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The first render is not Lightroom's. It's the preview in the RAW file itself (all RAW files have previews in them, generated in camera). The color change is Lightroom's preview of the RAW data, with its settings.
Because LR cannot use the Camera's proprietary information, its preview will be different color and contrast-wise. Depending on the photo, this difference could be great or it could be barely noticeable.
You mean LR or ACR (Adobe Camera Raw)? They use the same processing engine. They are about 99% similar (there are very sight differences in options).
If the question is, better to do adjustments in Raw in LR/ACR or AFTER to a rendered image, no question, in Raw:
Author "Color Management for Photographers"