Big problem for us trying to use maps... Not even The Popular Maps are working as they all show 0 photos: Can SmugMug share with us how to properly link people to our mapped photos by using the following links ? Right now none of them seem to be working even when the correct data (user, album, etc) is provided:
Please, HELP !
Big problem for us trying to use maps... Not even The Popular Maps are working as they all show 0 photos: Can SmugMug share with us how to properly link people to our mapped photos by using the following links ? Right now none of them seem to be working even when the correct data (user, album, etc) is provided:
Please, HELP !
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Hello, any news ? It is still not working for me:
Please, let me know if there is something that I must do on my side/setup/computer.
Thanks ! Celso.
I have been looking at this issue, and have a few questions.
- Which uploader are you using to up images ?
- Are you geocoding the images on SmugMug or prior to upload ?
I believe that the issue is that even though the geocoding is being set for some reason it's not being indexed correctly. I went through your Yosemite National Park photos and resubmitted the geocoding for each photo (using 'edit geography'), and now if you go to here you will see that those images appear.
If you can let me know the details, I will look a bit deeper.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hello David, my workflow is to take the pictures carrying the GiSTEQ device with me and later at home I use the GISTEQ PhotoTrackr Version 2.2 Pro for Windows XP to add the coordinates to the raw images. After that I import the pictures to Adobe Photoshop LIGHTROOM converting them to DNG, I edit them normally on Lightroom and finally I export them as JPG and upload them on SmugMug and some go to Stock sites.
When in Lightroom I can see the coordinates and from there I can even click on them which takes me to Google Maps on the web browser on the correct location. Besides if you check the maps on my home page (as administrator, because I do not have it available to public right now) you will see the little green balloons appear all over Yosemite Valley, which is correct again. BUT, the problem comes when I click on them and it opens the big empty map showing zero photos...
Now I can see the big map is working after you resubmitted the geocoding for each photo (using 'edit geography'), but as you can imagine I would rather continue to geocode them prior to upload. I guess it is a mistery... But hopefully you will be able to solve it...
Thanks !
Hey Celso,
I not suggestion that you use 'edit geography', I was just saying that' how I got it to work.
So, are you uploading images from Lightroom using Jeffrey Friedl's plugin ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hi David, yes, I know you didn't ;-) And thanks for all the help. I am sure you will get to the bottom of this :-) No, I am not uploading from Lightroom using Jeffrey's plugin. From Lightroom I export to a folder as JPG and I upload via drag and drop on the Java Uploader. That's it... Thanks again !!! Celso