The (un)official Coupon Code/Packages/Up-Sell and Custom Item Thread!

Ok, since Baldy has posted a few other "official" threads on changes to SM, I thought I'd jump the gun and post a thread helping SM come up with a way to implement coupons/packages, etc..
I'd love to see the following additions to the shopping cart:

I'd love to see the following additions to the shopping cart:
- Coupon codes
- Flexible system to allow for $ off a certain min. amount, % off, free shipping, etc..
- Could conceivably allow for a totally free order (for the enduser). SM would then bill the credit card on file for the difference between SM cost + 15% "fee" (whatever they *would have* made had it been a normal transaction) and the amount paid by the customer.
- Packages/Custom Items
- I'm grouping these together as they might share a similar interface.
- Allow pros to define a Package by building a "shopping cart" and assigning a price to it. Then, have a check box to allow that package to be used with a particular gallery, etc.. Can limit number of different photos to 1 per package or 1 per photo in the package.
- Custom items should allow additions to the shopping cart itself. So, if I want to upsell a Photoshop retouch, they can see that under "Custom items or something like that. Allow someone to add the photo to the cart, and ALSO add the custom item to the cart. Then, send the details to the pro.
- You'd probably need to send all the contact info too to allow fulfillment. Include a checkbox that "Custom items require your full contact info to be sent to the photog" default to checked. If they uncheck it, warn them that they can't buy custom items.
- Upsell
- Buy a photo, upsell a frame or an album or retouching services. Whatever you want.. It's a great way to make more money and offer a service that some customers really appreciate.

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Twitter: @WolfSnap
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Twitter: @WolfSnap
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