artsy opinion pls

i would like to ask you how you feel about these, for a local artsy thing i have coming up...i know what i like and i would like to compare that to what the dgrin members have to say.....
these were taken in the Zzyzx area way out in the middle of nowhere....
any strike you in a good, or bad way....basically give me your c&c.
please vote and enter a statment why you voted for one or the other....
these were taken in the Zzyzx area way out in the middle of nowhere....
any strike you in a good, or bad way....basically give me your c&c.
please vote and enter a statment why you voted for one or the other....
Aaron Nelson
which do you prefere to gaze at? 42 votes
This one gets my vote out of the series...To be honest, not my thing, but I like this one the best.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
thats why i cropd it so close to the corner....
i have plenty of room in the orig to straighten the horizon back out....
thanks guys...
Great minds think alike...that would have been my chioce if the bottle was at least in focus...To the OP...anyways, I do like 6, I think you have something there
I like the first shot the best. Although the bottle is out of focus, the angle of the horizon and the placement of the bottle is perfect. It says to me, in the middle of no-where coming to the end of something (be it what ever you want) it shows a sort of drunken state of misery. just put the bottle in focus because IT is the source of the photo to me at least. The Photo Section
#3 & 4 are very similar to it, tho #3 is also flawed, not focus this time but DOF is too shallow.
I think the tipped horizon is essential to the idea of this image, and I think the extra emphasis on the bottle that #3 has is also.
So #3 it is for me!
#1...just too bad i missd!
#6, i like the layers, and bump the expo
no going back for quite some time....i guess that bottle has been there that long it will be there
when i do go back.......
well put.
everybody thank you for the input thus far!!!
Definitely #1. I love the fact that the bottle is out of focus. To me it is unexpected and states that the bottle is not the main focal point, but it adds tremendously to the story.
I do not care for the white stick of string that is pointing upward from the top of the bottle. It is distracting to me from the overall image. Very nicely done regardless.
Peace, gail
if you notice #6 is the only one without the tumbleweed stick....
i noticed it finally and removed it, but then didnt go back to all the previous angles to and learn, note to self: start to pay better attention next time im in the middle of the desert....
i was thinking on an attempt of cloning the stick out of the choosen shot....but its going to be a 19in print so i will try it and see if it can be pulled off...
im liking #1 a little more, i think the votes are swaying me...but i will need to see it printed to say if the slight oof is going to work for it....
thanks to everyone that took the time to vote and also those that made a statement.!
Good image.
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BTW: Don't you mean Zzyzx?
i voted in my own poll for #3, last night i tried to clone the stick out but it runs to closely along the bottles outline, so it didnt workout like i'd hoped....
im going to print and see how the detail of the stick affects me when looking at it on may enhance the overall look to it....(i hope)
thank you everyone for the help and your opinions!
looks like #1 is the popular one....
i look forward to any other comments,
great discription, thanks!