SmugMugs ToDo List
Hey Don,
Any chance that SmugMug Product Management could publish a feature To-Do list? Maybe this would help the SM development team prioritize what features are important to its customers by gauging the response. Maybe an online survey listing planed feature releases by quarter in the user section of the galleries? That way the folks who are less vocal and don't participate in these groups would have a simple venue to make their priorities known.
I know this is a little "Out of the box" but I think it's very much inline with the SmugMug entrepreneurial thinking.
"Let's be really clear about one thing: smugmug encourages innovation."
Any chance that SmugMug Product Management could publish a feature To-Do list? Maybe this would help the SM development team prioritize what features are important to its customers by gauging the response. Maybe an online survey listing planed feature releases by quarter in the user section of the galleries? That way the folks who are less vocal and don't participate in these groups would have a simple venue to make their priorities known.
I know this is a little "Out of the box" but I think it's very much inline with the SmugMug entrepreneurial thinking.
"Let's be really clear about one thing: smugmug encourages innovation."
We've had something like this planned for more than a year. I'm sure it'll happen one of these days.
On a side note, smugmug features aren't planned quarter by quarter. Except for the very rare ones, most features go from "twinkle in our eye" to live features in less than a week.
I feel that working pros who do engagement, wedding, portrait, children are for some reason underrepresented here. We hear from them occassionally in email, but only when they have a problem, so we end up reaching out to them in other ways. It's one reason we're putting so much effort into a series of new help sections on printing.
The consumers who buy prints from Erik, for example, never hang out here. Nor do they subscribe to smugmug as photo sharing customers. But we feel it's vital to get in their heads as they order prints, not so that we can market to them (we don't) but so they'll buy more prints from Erik.
Moral of the story: we'll listen eagerly to to passionate requests here at dgrin, but we will always balance them with complaints we read in help email about improvements wanted to the shopping cart, for example.