photoshop save as image quality?
I'm new here and I did a search regarding smugmug option in photoshop to "save as" image quality 7 verses 10 . However, I did not find any threads on this subject. I understand that you can upload images in smugmug as quality 7 for faster upload times and then upload images quality 10 when the image is ordered. I usually save my final images as quality 12, the highest settings in photoshop. Is there a difference between 10 and 12? I would think that smugmug would want quality 12 for the print?
I'm new here and I did a search regarding smugmug option in photoshop to "save as" image quality 7 verses 10 . However, I did not find any threads on this subject. I understand that you can upload images in smugmug as quality 7 for faster upload times and then upload images quality 10 when the image is ordered. I usually save my final images as quality 12, the highest settings in photoshop. Is there a difference between 10 and 12? I would think that smugmug would want quality 12 for the print?
As far as I can remember, jpeg quality=10 is virtually indistinguishable to the human eye from from jpeq quality=12. quality=10 should be fine for prints.
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Thanks for the quick reply and link. I'm learning and your respones are helpful.