Lil Miss Thing
Just a few that I did over the weekend. They are of my daughter whom thinks she's a little model....LOL....Truth is, she is a very beautiful lil girl who could easily be model material!



CC welcome. My love for black and white photographs show.
"If you photograph in color, you will show the color of thier clothes. If you use black and white you will
show the color of thier soul!" unknown



CC welcome. My love for black and white photographs show.
"If you photograph in color, you will show the color of thier clothes. If you use black and white you will
show the color of thier soul!" unknown
Lissa Gail:wink
Also, you might get more feedback from slightly larger images -- say 480-640 pixels wide or high depending on orientation. Looks like your daughter has beautiful eyes, but they are kinda smalll in these pics...
There's my 2 cents
Pool/Billiards specific...
Thanks for the CC! I'm still very new to photography, so what do you mean by "blown out" areas? The only reason I even did them in such bright sunlight was that I was just seeing what I could do w/o a flash. Thank you, and next time I post, I'll make sure to make the photos bigger.
On pictures 2,3 it is the most apparent. If you look at the right side of the face (model's left) from the dimple to the ear all that can be discerned is a white blob. There is no texture or anything shown from that part of the face. They are considered blown out because the exposure on those areas is too high.
As was said, this may be intentionally done in order to create "artsy" photos, but generally you will want to avoid these areas.
Canon Stuff (and third party stuff as well)
Tampa Bay Wedding Photography
Thanks Nate. Yea I did do some stuff with photoshop elements. But I'm new at that as well, still have a lot to learn about everything
Absoultely I will repost the pics larger. I am also going to include the originals before I did any type of editing.
I'll start out with Original, followed by the b/w conversions. This first one has 2 b/w conversions.
Please feel free to give me all the CC you can throw my way!!