Atlanta Based Sports photographers - Warning
There is a company called OPM out of Harrison Ohio that shoots sports photography. They advertise through local Craig’s list. They offer 35% of your sales as a payout. The owner operator is Ron Jr.
Beware that they have huge trouble getting the orders out and use that as an excuse not to pay out. Three local photographers shot this event for them and have not been paid.
OPM also does dance contest and such so beware if you answer an add (this is all over the country) you call a 513 number and talk to Ron Jr. He talks a good game, sounds like his company is on top of it, but he is not.
If this is the wrong forum to post this then I apologize, but working photographers need to know about people like this.
Jon Uhler
Beware that they have huge trouble getting the orders out and use that as an excuse not to pay out. Three local photographers shot this event for them and have not been paid.
OPM also does dance contest and such so beware if you answer an add (this is all over the country) you call a 513 number and talk to Ron Jr. He talks a good game, sounds like his company is on top of it, but he is not.
If this is the wrong forum to post this then I apologize, but working photographers need to know about people like this.
Jon Uhler