Need advise on a media server OS

I know this steps a bit outside of the digital darkroom world. But I need some expert advise. And I don't elong to any other forums. MODS: If it's inapropriate, feel free to nuke 
So I'm setting up a media/FTP server for my entertainment system. And am looking for recommendations on an OS.
The server will provide FTP ability for file storage between my main work machine and latops when I'm mobile. *This will create a file repository so I am always accessing current files, no matter which machine I'm using.
After I have that set up. I'm going to set it up beside my living room TV so I can play all the .ISO's and .AVI etc. on the TV.
I'm not adverse to windows. But want to hear others opinions.
I already have the hardware aspect of it down. I'm just looking for advise on the OS.

So I'm setting up a media/FTP server for my entertainment system. And am looking for recommendations on an OS.
The server will provide FTP ability for file storage between my main work machine and latops when I'm mobile. *This will create a file repository so I am always accessing current files, no matter which machine I'm using.
After I have that set up. I'm going to set it up beside my living room TV so I can play all the .ISO's and .AVI etc. on the TV.
I'm not adverse to windows. But want to hear others opinions.
I already have the hardware aspect of it down. I'm just looking for advise on the OS.
Right now, I'm leaning towards the leaving this box as a headless untit and jsut use the TV as a monitor when I need to use the GUI to fire up movies and watch them. I don't need a monitor for file access on any of my machines.
Thoughts? is the site for a distro you might want to look at.
Drool... I just found my OS :P
Yeah, looks pretty cool. I've never played with it, but have used some of the components and they're pretty good. Not bad for something that's free.