black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited May 12, 2008
Hi Spectre,
I got to watch an up-close firepower demonstration put on by one of these Warthogs and its 30MM cannon. I would not want to be the target of that thing. I talked to the pilot of the plane and he said he has to make flight adjustments to keep the plane on target when he fires off the gun.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I got to watch an up-close firepower demonstration put on by one of these Warthogs and its 30MM cannon. I would not want to be the target of that thing. I talked to the pilot of the plane and he said he has to make flight adjustments to keep the plane on target when he fires off the gun.
I spent most of my Active time on the AC-130H, We used to have A-10 guys come up to use and ask if they could touch our guns They used to be giddy as a school girl when they would stroke that big 105MM.
No doubt about it, the A-10 is a wonderful plane with a very powerful punch. When I was on slick C-130s, we used to have the A-10 (or AV-8B depending on who was covering the area) escort us into some of the hot fields in eastern Afghanistan... I was sure glad we had them around, I must say, that for sure was the most beautiful display of firepower I have ever witnessed...saved our rear.
I was wondering what you had up your sleeve. I should have known.
Our Air National Guard here in Boise flies these A10's. I haven't seen any lately so I guess that tells ya where they are at. A pair of C130's can be seen
nearly everyday cruising around. Michael
I got to watch an up-close firepower demonstration put on by one of these Warthogs and its 30MM cannon. I would not want to be the target of that thing. I talked to the pilot of the plane and he said he has to make flight adjustments to keep the plane on target when he fires off the gun.
No doubt about it, the A-10 is a wonderful plane with a very powerful punch. When I was on slick C-130s, we used to have the A-10 (or AV-8B depending on who was covering the area) escort us into some of the hot fields in eastern Afghanistan... I was sure glad we had them around, I must say, that for sure was the most beautiful display of firepower I have ever witnessed...saved our rear.
Our Air National Guard here in Boise flies these A10's. I haven't seen any lately so I guess that tells ya where they are at. A pair of C130's can be seen
nearly everyday cruising around. Michael
Ohhhhh my that's a beastly looking thing
I like the colour tone you applied to the first shot
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
It is my A-10 meets the Spartan treatment
I did my youngest kid like that too... I think I may post that tonight in the people section