Save photo doesn't include .jpg on some photos
Title says most of what I'm having an issue with-- when I (or visitors) click "Save Photo" while hovering over one of my photos, the photo that is downloaded does not include .jpg (and thus must be renamed to include .jpg). This is on almost all of the photos on my SM, but not all.
Here's an example where it does include .jpg:
However, if you click through to the next photo, that does not include .jpg. Any ideas here?
Btw, almost every single other gallery of mine does not include .jpg when downloading, even galleries that were created before the one linked to above.
Here's an example where it does include .jpg:
However, if you click through to the next photo, that does not include .jpg. Any ideas here?
Btw, almost every single other gallery of mine does not include .jpg when downloading, even galleries that were created before the one linked to above.
When I test the Save Photo link in my own galleries the file saves with no .jpg extension. Yet when I try it on other sites the file saves with the .jpg extension. A couple of people have tested the link on my site and say the file saves with the .jpg extension. Firefox gives me a choice to either save the file to disk or to open it with a viewer. If I choose to open it with a viewer, it opens just fine and the file name displayed includes the .jpg extension. It makes no sense but I don't feel quite as odd now that I see someone else is having the same problem.
It sounds to me that the Smuggler engineers need to try to replicate the problem and look for a fix.
Thanks for posting. Now I can cancel my appointment with the head shrink :whew.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
NYC with Nadia.jpg
While 'we' are waiting on the out come, I would use underscores for now.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Thanks Rich ... I feel much better now.:ivar
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
FYI: The same bug happens for videos. I assume whatever fix is done will help with those as well.
How do you rename photos without reuploading?
A bit of a chore but luckily I had only about 20 photos to deal with.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I have hundreds, so that's really not feasible. However, I just noticed that this is an issue with FF (I'm using 3b5), and IE (7) works fine. In fact, strangely, the filename the photos get saved with in IE is different from that in FF.
For instance, this photo without a space is the same in both FF and IE: saves as 239017557_IMG_7575.jpg
However, the next photo has the following filenames when saved in each browser:
IE: 293723365_NYC_with_Nadia.jpg
FF: 293723365_NYC
I think the file name is being truncated at the first blank found by what ever software is causing the problem.
As for your volume, the only thing I can think of is if the gurus at SmugMug can do a batch rename internally from their end. It's a long shot but probably worth asking about.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
So SmugMug, what do you say to the batch rename idea?
And what is the status of fixing this going forward?
bump. Anyone?