Church built in 1864
I took a trip last week to Rockford, Minnesota. I know isn't a very far journey from where I live, but it does have a church there that my aunt belongs to and it was built in 1864 with pegs and not nails. They have since done some remodeling, but kept alot of what was original. Lucky for me I had the church to myself for a couple hours to take photos. And with the help from dgrinner "Jim" I was able to take some photos in a very small church with little light. Hope you enjoy them.
Any input is always welcome as I'm so new to this.
Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in Rockford, Minnesota.
This is the church cross. It's made of copper and wood. The copper cross came from the Methodist Church and the wooden cross was made by a member of the First Presbyterian Church. The Methodist Evangelical Church and Presbyterian Church merged in 1968.

The pews are made of Butternut and Oak wood that was from around the area. They were hand hewn and swing on iron. The backs of the pews swing to face the rear of the church for meetings and then to the front for church. Pews are all numbered.

Here is a closer view of the iron hinges.

This is one of the original Chandeliers. I had to lay with my camera on my face using it as a tripod to take this photo
I didn't want the metal rods holding up the walls to show in the photo. It once was run as kerosene lamps.

The chair up front is a handcarved original. is the metal rod running through the photo, but that keeps the walls up
I didn't want to edit it out. Think I should have?

They used a Klingel Beutel (Bell Bag) for collection of money. Also shown is an original peg.

Original organ still sits in the church. Its a very small two pedal organ.

Original Pulpit Bible. It was heavy, worn and full of photos.

Outside the church is an arrow stuck in the wall. Guess it showed up there a couple years ago. Something I'd never seen before so I had to take a photo of it.

Hope you enjoyed these. The rest are on my site if your interested in taking a peek. Again...if you have any input to help me out I will be returning here again in July.
Any input is always welcome as I'm so new to this.
Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in Rockford, Minnesota.
This is the church cross. It's made of copper and wood. The copper cross came from the Methodist Church and the wooden cross was made by a member of the First Presbyterian Church. The Methodist Evangelical Church and Presbyterian Church merged in 1968.

The pews are made of Butternut and Oak wood that was from around the area. They were hand hewn and swing on iron. The backs of the pews swing to face the rear of the church for meetings and then to the front for church. Pews are all numbered.

Here is a closer view of the iron hinges.

This is one of the original Chandeliers. I had to lay with my camera on my face using it as a tripod to take this photo

The chair up front is a handcarved original. is the metal rod running through the photo, but that keeps the walls up

They used a Klingel Beutel (Bell Bag) for collection of money. Also shown is an original peg.

Original organ still sits in the church. Its a very small two pedal organ.

Original Pulpit Bible. It was heavy, worn and full of photos.

Outside the church is an arrow stuck in the wall. Guess it showed up there a couple years ago. Something I'd never seen before so I had to take a photo of it.

Hope you enjoyed these. The rest are on my site if your interested in taking a peek. Again...if you have any input to help me out I will be returning here again in July.
Light is great.
My Gallery
Thank you Awais.....I'm glad you enjoyed them.
I think what really helped with the lighting was the frosted windows. Not many windows...if I remember correctly there were only 4, but could of been six. And they were so narrow and small.
I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.
Its a journey that was different then what is usually posted here, but I thought I would give it a try to see if people were intersted in it.
So, you'll have to pass on the torch for the extra light. I'll be needing it next week!
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Glad you liked them
Are you leaving next week?
Yep, this time next week, I'll be in LAX or somewhere over the ocean. The times have me all messed up.
Leave at 6am (Indiana) arrive at Chicago at 5:58am
Leave Chicago at 8am arrive at LAX at 10am
Leave LAX at 12 or 1am arrive at HCMC, Vietnam on May 23, 10pm
Coming home will be the worse. Leave HCMC at 7am on the 30th - arrive Ft Wayne at 11pm on the 30th. A 30hour day. :snore
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Amazing photographs they tell a story from the beginning to now very very nice.
Thank you John
I'd always heard about the old church's with pews that turned to the back of the church. Just had never seen one till now. Kinda makes one sit and reflect on how things were back then...proper protocol and traditions. I was happy to see that the church still uses them and didn't go for new when they did some remodeling.
Afternoon MK,
It is nice to know that some things remain the same over the years and do not change just because the times do. A very nice retro look at years gone by. Great pics, as usual
Have a good day
Lauren Blackwell
And Jim...I couldn't have done this without your help
Thank you both for your nice comments.
Thank you -- I'm glad you enjoyed them