Price for sequenced pictures?
Hello all!
First time posting. Was turned on to this sight by a friend and it pretty much has everything I'm looking for. Within a few hours of my buddy mentioning this place, I had a domain registered and a pro account ready.
My main cup of tea when it comes to shooting is surfing. In this line, sequences are just as integral as single shots.
However, when it comes to pricing a sequence, I am really unsure on what to do. I know that I can set a price for a specific print size, but if someone wants to buy a sequence of X amount of pictures, I'm wondering if there is a way where I can set a price point for the entire sequence AND a price point for individual frames in the sequence if someone just wants a shot or two rather than the whole thing?
Most all my surfing sequences are generally from 10 to 30 frames long (EOS 1D Mark III). As an example, I have a small gallery up right now with two sequences. One is 14 frames, the other is 17 frames. You can view them at to get an idea of what my dilemma is.
Any help or insight is greatly appreciated!
Aloha Nui Loa!
First time posting. Was turned on to this sight by a friend and it pretty much has everything I'm looking for. Within a few hours of my buddy mentioning this place, I had a domain registered and a pro account ready.
My main cup of tea when it comes to shooting is surfing. In this line, sequences are just as integral as single shots.
However, when it comes to pricing a sequence, I am really unsure on what to do. I know that I can set a price for a specific print size, but if someone wants to buy a sequence of X amount of pictures, I'm wondering if there is a way where I can set a price point for the entire sequence AND a price point for individual frames in the sequence if someone just wants a shot or two rather than the whole thing?
Most all my surfing sequences are generally from 10 to 30 frames long (EOS 1D Mark III). As an example, I have a small gallery up right now with two sequences. One is 14 frames, the other is 17 frames. You can view them at to get an idea of what my dilemma is.
Any help or insight is greatly appreciated!
Aloha Nui Loa!
Welcome... a couple of items first... You need to turn off "originals" in you gallery. (Probably a good idea to turn of 2x and 3x and look into getting a watermark) Right now all your pictures do is scream "STEAL ME!" The next thing you need to do is set your gallery prices. At least get some generic pricing down so you aren't giving the photos away. Also, once you have portfolio prices set, you don't have to redo the work for every gallery you post. When you sell photos at cost, you can't even keep track of what you sold, much less make any money.
As for your actual question... I think what you really want is the abililty to sell packages as well as individual photos. That feature is requested quite often and Smugmug is working hard to make it happen. Check back in about 5 years and they might have something for you.
Man, I love sarcasm! Unfortunate, but funny...
When I have clients who I know want to purchase a series of images or, say, all their photos from a given day, I have on my site that they can contact me and purchase a CD of images for $250. That gets them all their photos from the shoot. Sure, it'll be great when SmugMug has package pricing available, but there are all kinds of ways right now to take care of clients and get them what they want.
Thanks for the help guys. Curious though, why disable 2X and 3X? Is it because it's simply inconvenient for people to view on their monitors? Or more along the lines of theft? All my photos are disabled as well as watermarked in Lightroom during post production.
Since I'm more-or-less looking for a package price on a gallery, would it simply be easier for the customer if I had one sequence per gallery? I think that over time, that would get pretty cluttered. On a good swell, I can shoot upwards of 2000 photos a day...
Thanks for the insight!
I think you'll be making an awful lot of work for yourself separating each sequence into its own gallery. Try it once and you'll never do it again! And still, even if you did that, it doesn't make sequence pricing any easier.
Theft of online images is going to happen no matter what precautions you take, in my experience. Try to be flattered! Right-click protection will work to an extent, but users can still do a screen-grab to get images, though your watermark will be on them.
I used to watermark my own images before upload. Now I have SmugMug do it for me. Why? 1. It's faster on my end! 2. If you watermark your uploaded images, what are you going to do when someone orders a print? You'll have to upload a non-watermarked image. And then the displayed version online will no longer have that layer of protection. If you let SmugMug do it for you, they keep the non-watermarked original, but all the display versions include the watermark.
Like you, I choose to allow viewers to see everything up to 3X sizing. I love seeing photos beautiful and big, and want people to enjoy the images as much as I do. SmugMug automatically customizes the image size to the viewer's browser window (with most templates--see "smugmungous"). So just because you enable 3X doesn't mean they'll be overwhelmed with images bigger than their monitor. They'll automatically see the largest size that fits. They can choose to see a larger one if they like.
So despite limiting customer views of images to 'whatever' size, the original files that I've uploaded will not be altered?
Thanks for all the help. Much appreciated!
Yep, that's correct.