
Need advice on a LCD monitor

DJKennedyDJKennedy Registered Users Posts: 555 Major grins
edited May 30, 2008 in Digital Darkroom
Hope this is the right place for this...

Wanting to upgrade my old crt screen. I would love to get a good lcd screen but dont know anything about them.

I'd like a screen size of at least 19" but at the same time, I don't want to go too large/wide.

What I *need* is a good lcd monitor, that has awesome colour (meaning I would be using it for ps work so I'd want lots of accurate colours). I've heard that some lcd screens are not that great for ps work on photos.

I'm not sure on the prices these days but I would like one around $250-300.

ANyone have sny suggestions? Or at least on a brand?

Any help would be great.


What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."


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    colourboxcolourbox Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited May 15, 2008
    There's a short list of monitors at the bottom of this page. Don't take it as gospel, just one educated opinion.
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    DJKennedyDJKennedy Registered Users Posts: 555 Major grins
    edited May 15, 2008
    colourbox wrote:
    There's a short list of monitors at the bottom of this page. Don't take it as gospel, just one educated opinion.

    THanks - I will check that out

    What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."

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    NewsyNewsy Registered Users Posts: 605 Major grins
    edited May 15, 2008
    DJKennedy wrote:
    Hope this is the right place for this...

    What I *need* is a good lcd monitor, that has awesome colour (meaning I would be using it for ps work so I'd want lots of accurate colours). I've heard that some lcd screens are not that great for ps work on photos.

    I'm not sure on the prices these days but I would like one around $250-300.


    You have a real problem here as your budget is not going to get you into anything that is ideal for PS work unless you buy something that is refurbished or on clearance.

    There was a similar inquiry to yours a couple of weeks ago here and I replied in this post.


    Check it out...

    In todays market the manufacturers are focused on a sweet spot for their production lines. That sweetspot is 22" and 24" monitors. I would not recommend ANY of the 22" monitors to you for PS work as they almost all use TN panels. A good NEW 24" S-PVA paneled monitor is going to start at around $650 CAD. You may be able to find a 24" P-MVA paneled monitor for about $450-550. Any NEW monitors smaller than 22" (ie 19" & 20") are being made with TN panels which are OK for casual users but not for empassioned PS work.

    You're in a part of the county where I don't expect you have clone shops on every second street corner like my neighborhood. So you're probably looking to buying online and having it shipped to you or you're going to have to make a trip into Winnipeg or Toronto to do some shopping.

    If you're willing to buy online start following the threads on this Canadian shopping deals site... http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=9

    In fact, this deal should be considered if there are any of these left... http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=573825&highlight=20WMGX2

    Specifically the refurbed NEC 20WMGX2 for $195 - 250.

    Failing that, and if you're shopping online, consider this reseller who is based out of Vancouver... http://www.ncix.com/

    I buy almost exclusively through them using their online price matching function to get the best price possible, and arranging for pickup at one of the local stores. They will ship to you.

    For real hot deals I use this web site to compare Vancouver area resellers and then I price match on NCIX.... http://pcheck.net/index.php

    PS... I sure miss the fishing you have in your area!
    PPS... love the aircraft photos in your gallery. Awesome Tigercat! I couldn't get as close to it's sister ship when I saw it in Vancouver last summer.

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    DJKennedyDJKennedy Registered Users Posts: 555 Major grins
    edited May 15, 2008
    Newsy wrote:

    You have a real problem here as your budget is not going to get you into anything that is ideal for PS work unless you buy something that is refurbished or on clearance.

    Yeah, from reading the information from the last post - that I would need to double my budeget! :cry Something I cant afford to do right now.

    I will read your post closer, and check out the links.

    Thanks for those links. I don't want to get a lousy monitor just because it is cheaper and not be happy with it. Until last night I was unaware of the different typs (TN vs PVA).

    This purchase is going to be a learning experiance to say the least!

    Thanks again for that info!


    What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."

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    jzieglerjziegler Registered Users Posts: 420 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2008
    I'm replying to this late, but I found a deal yesterday that you might be interested in. I found an NEC LCD2090uxi refurbished for $240. It's a high end 20" LCD with an S-IPS panel. http://www.directron.com/lcd2090uxibk.html

    Warranty is shorter than a new monitor (1 year), and it is not returnable. But it looks like a good deal, and Directron is a decent company to order from. I ordered on yesterday and it should arrive on Tuesday, I'll report more then. This is not going to be for everyone, but it's what looks like a really high class monitor for a great price.
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