moving multiple galleries from "other"

So I used smugglr to move all my galleries from picassa to smug mug, but now I am finding I need to edit each gallery to set the category is there an easier way to do this in bulk?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Well the browser is great for uploading that portion for me has been done I am trying to organize them now and move them to the right places, from other to family for example. the smugbrowser does not allow for this.
keep searching I guess
Yeah I'm sorry we make this way too hard.
It's on our radar to improve/fix, but I'm sorry for the hassle in the meantime.
It is hassle that I will put through, but it would be great for future users to have a migration tool that would set up for total transfer with sorting built in. The ease of moving from current provider would be a big plus for folks with large gallery sets.
Thanks for the reply
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes I did, but I didn't see a way to move existing galleries. Did I miss something? Is there an FAQ for Smugbrowser?
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
popup change the cat and/or sub-cat. You have to do this for each gallery
but it's all in spot so no page switching to every gallery customize page.
At any cat or sub-cat level in the tree pick "Bulk Update" and anything
checked in the properties box will apply to all galleries below in that tree.
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