PRO-blem with files > 8mb

Onethumb, Baldy:
it looks like newly deployed SM feature where pro users can upload files up to 16Mb/48Mp per file does not work reliably.
One of my customers (and SM pro subscribers) contacted me today stating he could not upload several big files. He reported getting Wrong format error (code 4). He also stated that some of the files were uploaded after several attempts. Accordin to him, all those files were within the claimed limits of 16Mb/48Mp.
After I asked him to verify if standard SM uploader can process those files he reported the standard one didn't work either.
I don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but it looks like we have similar problem with both API (S*E uses version 1.1.0) and official web interface.
Please let me know if you need any more additional info/assistance.
I would like to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you!
it looks like newly deployed SM feature where pro users can upload files up to 16Mb/48Mp per file does not work reliably.
One of my customers (and SM pro subscribers) contacted me today stating he could not upload several big files. He reported getting Wrong format error (code 4). He also stated that some of the files were uploaded after several attempts. Accordin to him, all those files were within the claimed limits of 16Mb/48Mp.
After I asked him to verify if standard SM uploader can process those files he reported the standard one didn't work either.
I don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but it looks like we have similar problem with both API (S*E uses version 1.1.0) and official web interface.
Please let me know if you need any more additional info/assistance.
I would like to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you!
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I can upload 16MB & 48Mpix images just fine, so on the surface, this looks like a possible file format problem, not a >8MB problem.
Ask your customer to email the photo(s) in question to smugmug customer service and they can take a look, but it appears to work fine from here.
I assume S*E is using the POST method, rather than base64?
Thank you for the prompt reply! Appreciate it!
I will forward your advise (unless he sees it here first himself:-)
Yes, S*E is using multipart post.
This is the only case of upload problem I'm aware of. But, as you at SM, I'm trying to do all I can to make sure my customers are 100% satisfied. User has a problem, I did my load of testing, could not find anything wrong with my code - you're my next line of defense:-)
Thanks again!
I might add that Customer Service does get 5 stars for response time and professionalism.
SE Customer Service also deserves 5 stars
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
SM customer service found the bug and said it should be fixed in a day or so.:D
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Appreciate it:-)
Glad the issue is being resolved!