Upload from Picasa?

Ok, so this is a bit of a dream request, but how difficult it would be to integrate some image uploading functionality with Picasa that would allow posting directly? It's a wonderful little program. Integration like this would be mutually beneficial for smugmug AND google's Picasa. For people like my parents, who struggle with image exporting, uploading, etc, a clean integration with a Picasa would be great.
I noticed that the Mac bulk-uploader allows you to select iPhoto albums and upload them -- how hard would something like that be for Picasa? Maybe Nikolai could add that to the ever-growing feature list for Star*Explorer...
It never hurts to ask.. :wink
I noticed that the Mac bulk-uploader allows you to select iPhoto albums and upload them -- how hard would something like that be for Picasa? Maybe Nikolai could add that to the ever-growing feature list for Star*Explorer...
It never hurts to ask.. :wink
I didn't have a chance to look in this direction.
I don't mind, simply do not have enough bandwidth to spend it on a (potentially resultless
However, if somebody can point me towards picasa api/sdk I would be very interested to take a look..
Lots of Googlers use smugmug, and we were recently over there talking with the entire Picasa team about integration with them. It may or may not happen, you neve know with Google, but the interest seemed there.
Sending them a polite note letting them know that you love Picasa and smugmug and wish they worked well together might do the trick.
It looks like there's both a help ticket system and a user forum, both of which can be found here. I imagine they might be good places to start, but I couldn't say for sure.
Without a Picasa API, a Picasa to/from Smugmug integration is difficult, but not impossible. Has there been any discussion of providing an "e-mail to Smugmug" posting service?
Someone posted some instructions on how to use this to achieve a Picasa to Flickr photo album transfer.
Aaron Christy
Smugmug's had this for years.
PowerSnap has powerful organizational features. For sharing photos you can create PDF slideshows or even email them directly from PowerSnap. You can also create flash and html websites which use your smugmug categories and galleries for their navigation.
The smugmug integration supports easy uploads of your photos to Smugmug. You can create and edit galleries. PowerSnap even supports complete offline browsing of your smugmug photos. You can add as many smugmug accounts as you want.
More details and a download is at http://www.powersnap.com
Heh..I ran across this thread months ago and shot off a note to Picasa. Just got a reply back today...3 months later. :poke Heh..my interest in this has waned as I've started checking out PS Elements for my organization and tagging.
Are there any Flash developers that could give me a hand?
I've just managed to get it working without that by tricking Picasa into thinking it's talking to Blogger.
The only problem is as it's posting to my server, it has the potential to chew through my bandwidth!
Does anyone have any sample PHP code for uploading to SmugMug? I can write some myself if not, but it would speed up the release!
It works flawlessly (ironically, better then Tabblo's Java uploader on their own site).
The question is, how the heck did they do it without an API? Well, they're a little coy about the details:
But hey, check it out -- there's an open-source picasa2flickr plug-in that may give you more clues:
You are SO right!
Picasa Uploader is here!
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