C&C request for new business photo blog

I finally got a blog setup. I don't have a proper website right now, but it seems many clients are more interested in a blog than a formal website. Anyway, it is just a wordpress template that I put a custom header on, so there's not too much I can do to customize it (without spending $$ or learning CSS myself, of course!).
Anyway, I'd love any thoughts y'all have on the blog. Do you think it's a decent start? Can I start getting some business with this? One of the main things I want to do, actually, is use it to show off my work to other photographers so I can get some work assisting. I haven't really figured out exactly what I want to focus on - weddings, portraits, etc... or more editorial, advertising, product work.
How about the header? I'm thinking it's a bit too busy with the 4 pics on it. Maybe putting photos on it doesn't work and I should just design something cleaner??
Well, thanks for any CC you might have.
Anyway, I'd love any thoughts y'all have on the blog. Do you think it's a decent start? Can I start getting some business with this? One of the main things I want to do, actually, is use it to show off my work to other photographers so I can get some work assisting. I haven't really figured out exactly what I want to focus on - weddings, portraits, etc... or more editorial, advertising, product work.
How about the header? I'm thinking it's a bit too busy with the 4 pics on it. Maybe putting photos on it doesn't work and I should just design something cleaner??
Well, thanks for any CC you might have.
There's a thin line between genius and stupid.