"Hello Smuggers!" and Keywords
I've looked through the FAQs, wiki, help pages, and DGrin forums and I still have found a simple answer to the following question:
I'd like to have a site that is not listed in Smugmug's search or from any other page, but is still public. I'd like to have the keywords which are being imported from the IPTC info from the photos I upload be available for anyone viewing my site to use.
I think my confusion is due to duplicated settings that are actually of different granularity. Let's explore:
- Current assumptions and verified reality: hello world is off everyone as I want to ignore google for now, photos are uploaded into a few galleries, keywords are showing and working fine for me when logged in, top 25 keyword module is added to my homepage and showing fine for me logged in.
- Logged out behavior: I can view the galleries but no keywords show up under the photos or on the main page. The Top 25 keyword section is there but empty.
Settings I'm aware of and this is the confusing part:
- Every gallery has a Hello Smuggers! setting which has two values, yes and no. Setting to yes seems to give have the SM indexer the right to index that gallery, setting to no is the opposite.
- The site control panel also has a Hello Smuggers! setting but it has four values. (yes, Find me by name, no - island, no - total lockdown)
I first set the control panel to no-island and the individual galleries to no. That did not give me the behavior I wanted as only I can see and use my keywords.
Playing around, I set the control panel to no-island and the individual galleries to yes. This "seems" to give me the behavior I want, but I don't know if the smugmug indexer now will return my photos to outside searches (outside to my site) since I've set the gallery setting to yes.
Comments? clarifications? what am I missing?
I'd like to have a site that is not listed in Smugmug's search or from any other page, but is still public. I'd like to have the keywords which are being imported from the IPTC info from the photos I upload be available for anyone viewing my site to use.
I think my confusion is due to duplicated settings that are actually of different granularity. Let's explore:
- Current assumptions and verified reality: hello world is off everyone as I want to ignore google for now, photos are uploaded into a few galleries, keywords are showing and working fine for me when logged in, top 25 keyword module is added to my homepage and showing fine for me logged in.
- Logged out behavior: I can view the galleries but no keywords show up under the photos or on the main page. The Top 25 keyword section is there but empty.
Settings I'm aware of and this is the confusing part:
- Every gallery has a Hello Smuggers! setting which has two values, yes and no. Setting to yes seems to give have the SM indexer the right to index that gallery, setting to no is the opposite.
- The site control panel also has a Hello Smuggers! setting but it has four values. (yes, Find me by name, no - island, no - total lockdown)
I first set the control panel to no-island and the individual galleries to no. That did not give me the behavior I wanted as only I can see and use my keywords.
Playing around, I set the control panel to no-island and the individual galleries to yes. This "seems" to give me the behavior I want, but I don't know if the smugmug indexer now will return my photos to outside searches (outside to my site) since I've set the gallery setting to yes.
Comments? clarifications? what am I missing?
I am having a similar problem, with a twist. Three of my galleries are showing top keywords on the homepage in the "visitor view" and the rest are not. When I switch back to owner view all the keywords appear. To make this more confusing the gallery settings pertaining to privacy are set the same on the galleries that appear and those that don't. The three most recently added galleries are ones that show keywords to visitors.
Is there something I am missing?
The yes/no gallery setting means the following..
no - that gallery is not listed.
yes - the setting will follow what has been set at the account level.
so to have keywords available, set "hello smuggers!" at the account level to be something other than "Yes - Discover me", and have the gallery setting "Hello Smuggers" set to Yes.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos