step-up ring 72mm to 77mm vignette?

since a set-up ring brings a 77m filter further out from the 72mm lens will that incur more/less/same vignetting, or will the added radius of 77mm pan-out to be the same vignette as a 72 by itself?
in otherwords if i am having vinetting with a 72mm filter on a 72mm lens will a step up ring to 77mm fix the issue or should i go to a larger stepup ring size?
since a set-up ring brings a 77m filter further out from the 72mm lens will that incur more/less/same vignetting, or will the added radius of 77mm pan-out to be the same vignette as a 72 by itself?
in otherwords if i am having vinetting with a 72mm filter on a 72mm lens will a step up ring to 77mm fix the issue or should i go to a larger stepup ring size?
Aaron Nelson
A properly designed step-up adapter will indeed permit less vignetting especially if the filter is a slim or low-profile design. Whether it is necessary to use a low-profile filter is a separate issue and depends upon the angle-of-view of the lens.
I have seen adapters that were too thick/deep and did vignette, sometimes even without a filter attached.
When in doubt, ask the vendor or manufacturer by e-mail first and purchase from a vendor with return privileges.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
That realy depends on the lens used. It can be a problem with ultra
wide angle lenses. The only way to find it out is to try it out. A cheap
stepup ring can be had on ebay for 10 bucks, and a 77mm filter can
be checked out in a shop (if not the ring as well).
― Edward Weston
i dont really have any interest to buy cheap stuff on ebay...what a waste of time and money....
thanks i see there are to many variables to really answer this...
i went ahead and ordered what i think i need...
i will need to look into this...its seem i would just get soft corners..
thanks, i will try it (if the stuff i ordered even vignettes)
I'm guessing they have a return policy?
― Edward Weston