I was going for that 1960's color slide look. The sidewalk was blown on the other side of the table so I let that whole end of the photo go to naught.
Thanks for looking!!
You got that look nicely. I would have done the same with the
"blow outs" in a minute. Too nice of a shot to let it go because of it.
Your nephew photo is way nice. Sweet candid. Too cute / precious.
Especially with the upper left side where is a little something there.
We just sold most all our canning equipment.
I wondering if that was wise.
Nice photo
I was going for that 1960's color slide look. The sidewalk was blown on the other side of the table so I let that whole end of the photo go to naught.
Thanks for looking!!
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Welcome to south Louisiana!!!
Here's my nephew on the same day...tomato plants to his left. He has a pair of green ones in his hands.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
You got that look nicely.
"blow outs" in a minute. Too nice of a shot to let it go because of it.
Your nephew photo is way nice. Sweet candid. Too cute / precious.
As for your tomato plants....I'm just hoping to get some this year...last year was a bust
Poloroid t737 (The digi PaS)
These belong to my father in law. Between his garden and my dad's I just hope they cannot eat them all.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
Is it "congrads" or "congrats" ....my wife corrects me here often...
Either way I appreciate the kind remarks. The string beans actuall lost a lot of color in the treatment.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture