Dominant Average Color of a photo
Do we have a method to find and store the Dominant Average Color and Complementary Dominant Average Color of a photograph?
There is a web site that does this, however, doing this on the fly takes time and I would rather process this in the background and store the colors along with the photo on SM.
While I am at it, do we have any custom field capability with SM?
There is a web site that does this, however, doing this on the fly takes time and I would rather process this in the background and store the colors along with the photo on SM.
While I am at it, do we have any custom field capability with SM?
Doug Pearson
Chibi Photography
Chibi Photography
It turns out that if you ask for a 1 x 1 version of your picture, the resize algorithm renders the average color of the picture in that one pixel image. With this new image, I can use the automatic repeating feature of a background image on an HTML page to set the background of the page to the average color of the photo.
I would still prefer to have the color value so I could use it or the Complementary color while rendering things like text or edges; however, since this method does not increase my processor load, I can use it for now.
Chibi Photography