Downloading images from my gallery? ...Self-Fulfillment?
I just joined SM with a Pro Account... I'm wondering how (or if it's possible) do I download images that I've uploaded into these galleries?
I'm kind of getting the impression reading some posts that once you upload the images they're there but you no longer have access to them, is this the case? ...if so, are there any plans in the future to allow access to logged-in account holders?
Also, I realize that SM uses EZprints as a third party vendor -- does SM have the option to do self-fulfillment of orders?
Hope to hear from you soon!
I just joined SM with a Pro Account... I'm wondering how (or if it's possible) do I download images that I've uploaded into these galleries?
I'm kind of getting the impression reading some posts that once you upload the images they're there but you no longer have access to them, is this the case? ...if so, are there any plans in the future to allow access to logged-in account holders?
Also, I realize that SM uses EZprints as a third party vendor -- does SM have the option to do self-fulfillment of orders?
Hope to hear from you soon!
You can download your own images. If you want to do it in the normal web-UI, then you have to enable access to originals (for everyone) so that you can get access to them. This is an oft-requested feature that would allow the owner to have regular access to the originals without having to open them up for everyone. The work-around in the web-UI is to temporarily put a password on the gallery while you have access to the originals so that nobody else can get access to them when you open them up. Download the ones you want, disable access to originals again, then remove the password. Kind of cumbersome, but can be done if you need to download and are worried about others downloading them.
There are other ways to get to your originals that work through the authenticated Smugmug API (requires your account credentials). AlbumFetcher is one such program that lets you get to the originals and there are likely others. Here's a listing of a bunch of apps built on the Smugmug api. SmugDav is another possiblity.
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this is one of the lamest parts of smugmug. No built in download abilities unless if you wanna pay $50 extra dollars for a third party like star explorer.
Album fetcher, Friendsync, and SmugDAV unfortunately do not work for me. Maybe due to the firewall at work but I only have a mac at home which is a problem all on its own. :cry
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